Suffragette Movement
UK. London. May 1914.
Emmeline Pankhurst was founder of the Women’s Social and Political Union, and led the movement to win the right for women to vote. She was arrested in May 1914 for gathering 20,000 suffragettes outside the gates of Buckingham Palace, demanding to speak to the King and ask why women did not have the vote.

Civil Rights Protest
USA. Brimingham, Alabama. 3 May, 1963.
A 17 year old African American civil rights activist is attacked by police dogs during a demonstration. The photo was published in The New York Times the following day, helping shift support to the protesters with President Kennedy calling the scenes "shameful".
(AP Photo/Bill Hudson)

Demonstration against the Vietnam war
USA. Washington DC. 1967.
An American young girl, Jan Rose Kasmir, confronts the American National Guard outside the Pentagon during the 1967 anti-Vietnam march. This march helped to turn public opinion against the US war in Vietnam.
(© Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos)

The Unknown Protester
China. Beijing. Tien An Men Square. 4 June 1989.
'The Tank Man' stopping a column of T59 tanks the morning after the Chinese military had suppressed Tiananmen Square protests by force, killing at least several hundred demonstrators. The identity and fate of the 'Tank Man' is still unknown.
(Photo: © Stuart Franklin/Magnum Photos)

Berliner Mauer
Germany. West Berlin. 11 November 1989.
A young man sits on the wall between East and West Berlin. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that all East German citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. The wall separating Berlin then began to be demolished by people including those nicknamed Mauerspechte (wall woodpeckers) who used various tools to chip off souvenirs.
© Raymond Depardon/Magnum Photos

Poll Tax Riots
UK. London. 31 March 1990.
100,000 turned out in Trafalgar Square against the introduction of the Poll Tax in March 1990. Designed as a replacement for the Rate Tax that had been used since the 17th Century, the tax was imposed on individuals rather than property. Many found this system saved the rich money, whilst the poor had to pay more. The tax was replaced soon after, with its unpopularity contributing to the downfall of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Photographer: Unknown

Protest against the Iraq War
UK. London. 15 February 2003
Over one million people demonstrating in Hyde Park against the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Protests took place in over 600 countries around the world, with some estimates placing the total number of people taking part at 30 million.
(Photo: We Are Many)

Arab Spring
Egypt. Cairo. 12 February 2011.
Celebrations in Tahrir Square, the day after President Mubarak announced his resignation following a series of protests across the country. The Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions influenced democratic uprisings in other Arab countries, in what became known as the Arab Spring.
(Photo: © Moises Saman/Magnum Photos)

Occupy UC Davis
USA. Davis, California. 18 November 2011.
The Occupy movement, an international socio-political movement against social inequality, staged a sit in protest at the University of California, Davis. After being asked to leave a police offer began to use pepper spray on the peaceful protesters, with the footage quickly going viral around the world. Megan Garber at Harvard's Nieman Journalism Lab said the images "capture a moment of violence and resistance in almost allegoric dimensions."
The University has subsequently spent millions in an attempt to remove images and videos of the incident from the internet.
Photographer: Unknown

Umbrella Revolution
Hong Kong. 28 September 2014
A pro-democracy demonstrator stands in a cloud of tear gas fired by police near the Hong Kong government headquarters, as thousands of protesters rallyied against proposed changes to the electoral system.
(Photo: Xaume Olleros/AFP/Getty Images)

Ukraine. Kiev. 20 February 2014
The burnt out Independence Square in central Kiev. Initially protests were fuelled by the demand for closer EU integration, however escalated through government corruption and violation of human rights, culminating in the resignation of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov's government and ousting of President Yanukovych, who is still wanted by the Ukrainian government for High Treason.
(Photo: Vincent Mundy/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Black Lives Matter protest
USA. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 9 July 2016.
Ieshia Evans, 28-year-old mum and nurse from Brooklyn, is arrested during a protest outside the city’s police headquarters. The protest were sparked by the death of Alton Sterling, a black man who was shot several times at close range while being held down on the ground by two white police officers.
(Photo: Jonathan Bachman/REUTERS)